XBRL Sweden Survey | Digital Signatures within Financial Reporting
ZealiD recently participated in a survey conducted by XBRL Sweden, a non-profit association that collaborates in an international network consisting of both private and public actors in financial reporting.
The survey highlights the areas linked to eIDAS regulations and how current signing solutions have addressed conditions outlined in said regulations, with particular regard to its relevance in financial reporting in the digital era.
Philip Hallenborg, CEO at ZealiD, commented on the findings with regard to creating a certification for advanced signatures:
'Whilst certifying advanced signatures maybe a viable way forward to promote "quality" signatures to ad hoc advanced signatures, technical advances in computing combined with the emergence of clear policy in EU (ETSI standards combined with e.g. remote identification legislation such as German example Bundesnetzagentur VDG) suggest that the qualified signature can and will be proliferated to EU citizens simply and at very low cost. ZealiD believes that 80% of EU signatures will be qualified by 2030. The qualified signature will become the gold standard given that it is superior from a security and compliance perspective.'
ZealiD continues to support the work of XBRL Sweden and shares the ambition in leading Sweden to an efficient, standardized and transparent reporting of financial information.
To discover more about the survey and read XBRL SE's publication, click here.