Company & Employee Identity wallet

All ZealiD app users get a personal wallet called My ZealiD. My ZealiD is a first of its kind subscriber wallet based on eIDAS and ETSI security requirements.

It allows for a subscriber control of eIDAS verified credentials including identity document copy and related data. And for any relying party to integrate to a ZealiD API to receive data from a subscriber. 

Illustration of verifiable credentials wallet in your phone Illustration of verifiable credentials wallet in your phone

Use cases

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Employee onboarding

Employers use verifiable credentials to streamline and secure the background check process for new hires and collect the required credentials for the employment contract.

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Travel and relocation

Digital travel documents, such as visas and entry permits, that can be easily verified by border control, travel and relocation agencies.

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Diplomas and certificates

Issuance of digital certifications and university degrees, professional training programs, and industry-specific qualifications.

Key features

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Compatible with W3C standards

Next generation of My ZealiD will be fully compatible with W3C standards on verifiable credentials and fully compliant with upcoming EUDI wallet technical standards (expected in 2025). 

Global mobility and online fluency

ZealiD Wallet caters to employee (and customer) global mobility use cases to facilitate digital experience, mobility, security and control for the end user. 

Illustration of a globe with an airplane dark-hero-image
Illustration of a network file with a certificate badge dark-hero-image

Enterprise benefits

The benefits for enterprise companies are Remote Identification to Regulated Identity, Enhanced Security, Streamlined Authentication, Improved Efficiency and Compliance with Regulatory Standards. 

How it works

Key mechanism

ZealiD uses Microsoft Entra Verified ID which lets exchanging the credentials between a verifier and an issuer.


Every service using Microsoft Entra ID (previously Microsoft Azure Active Directory) is compatible with ZealiD wallet.

A screenshot from Microsoft Entra Verified ID A screenshot from Microsoft Entra Verified ID

For verified credentials to be dispatched a user needs to actively authenticate for presentation or for downloading of one or more credentials. If credentials are downloaded, the user needs a way to actively manage credentials in a wallet. 


ZealiD is a regulated eIDAS identity providing a qualified certificate and signature. In addition, upon user consent, ZealiD already hosts ID Documents and extended credentials. ZealiD fills the void of “real identity” and allows the user to remotely authenticate with a regulated identity to download further credentials e.g. a Verified ID from an employer.


Remote digital employee experience - all things HR

Secure, certified device for remote authentication (eIDAS/ETSI)

User friendly EUDI ready wallet for credentials - decentralised

Allows enterprises to create true digital processes

Future steps

ZealiD will publish case studies and results shortly.

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A fragment of a person using their laptop A fragment of a person using their laptop

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